Calvary Office 1-807-623-8735
2820A Donald Street
Thunder Bay Ontario
Pastor Ed Govaski
1-778-808-5495 or
Regular Service Times
Regular Sunday Service time 10:30 AM
Sunday School & 1st Year Confirmation Class 9:30 AM
Don’t Forget to
Recent Calvary Council Decision
Lenten Midweek Service Offerings& Blue Envelope Offerings
will be put towards Parsonage Renovations
Do you like to sing.
Can you lead a small group in singing
Pastor Ed would like your help.
4th Tuesday of the month at 11 AM (Pioneer Ridge)Last Thurs. of the month at 2 pm (Pinewood)
Except – July & Aug.
Please join us for Bible Study
on Wednesday, at 10am
in the Upper Room
If you have any photos of (working on the manse) – send them to Ron Strey at ronstrey@gmail.comno later than March 21st he would like to put a slide show together.
Manse RenovationsFlooring, Kitchen Cabinets & Counters, Baseboards, Closet Rods,Shelving, Doors, Ceramic Tile, Sink & Toilet Install, Odds & Ends, Cleaning & Final Clean Up, Moving In,
Time Line March 16 to 2711 Days and CountingCan You Help
Can you Help Clean the Manse
- Afternoon Sat. March 22
(The Manse will be open for a walk thru after Sun. Service)
It’s Moving Weekend Fri. Mar 28-Mon. Mar 31 Can You Help
From 222 Henry St. to the Manse
Friday Mar. 28th Pack Boxes
Sat. Mar. 29 Trucks & helpers needed to help move
Sun Mar. 30 & Mon Mar. 31
help clean the rental unit
Calvary’s office hours are Wednesday & Thursday 9 to 12
Wed Mar.26 – 9 am Office, 9 AM Admin, 6pm Lent Dinner, 7.P.M Lenten Service
Thurs. Mar.27– 9 am Office, 9-11 God’s Men- 9 am Calvary Quilters,
Sun. Mar. 30 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30am Worship
Wed April 2 – 9 am Office, Admin Meeting, 6pm Lent Dinner, 7pm Lenten Service
Thurs. April 3– 9 am Office, 9-11 God’s Men- 9 am Calvary Quilters,
Sat. April 5 Craft and Chat 10am
Sun. April 6 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30am Worship/Communion
There is a sign up on the foyer table for each Lenten Dinner. Please Help us prepare.
Wed March 26 April 2 & 9
Lenten Dinners 6:pm
Lenten Services 7:pm
Holy Week Services
Sunday April 13 – 1030 am Palm Sunday
Thursday April 17 – 7 pm Holy Thursday
Friday April 18– 7 pm Good Friday
Sunday April 20– 1030 am Easter Sunday
If you have a “special day”(birthday, anniversary)
in the month of March please call or email the church office by March 21.
On the last Sunday in the month we will prayerfully acknowledge these occasions.
Call 807-623-8735 or email
Just a Friendly ReminderCalvary Lutheran Church is a scent free zone
Manse Renovation will be ongoing for a while
Can You Help ?
See Cris or Bernie for more information.
We are in need of goodies for our Sunday fellowship time
: COOKIES, SQUARES, LOAVES, [homemade or store-bought].
you’d like to donate, please place items in church freezer marked “Sunday
Lutheran Committee Care Centre is suspending operation of the Street Reach program until a) a pastor is secured to assist with faith based street intervention and
b) a larger number of volunteers can be recruited.
Calvary is need of volunteers
to host Sunday Morning Coffee
there is a sign up sheet with general instructions and information on the door
to the Fellowship Hall
See Gerianne for more details
*Calvary Lutheran Church is a SCENT FREE zone*