Calvary Updates

Calvary Office 1-807-623-8735

2820A Donald Street

Thunder Bay Ontario


Pastor Ed Govaski
1-778-808-5495 or

Regular Service Times

Regular Sunday Service time  10:30 AM

Sunday School & 1st Year Confirmation Class 9:30 AM 


  Please join us for Bible Study

on Wednesday, at 10am

in the Upper Room

Calvary’s office hours are Wednesday & Thursday 9 to 12

Sun. Feb. 2 – 9:30  Sunday School, 10:30am Worship/Communion

Wed. 5 – 9 am Office, 9 am Admin, 10 am Bible Study, 7:30 Finance & Admin

Thurs. 6 –9 am Office, 9-11 God’s Men, 9 am Calvary Quilters

Sun. Feb. 9 – 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30am Worship/Communion

If you have a “special day”(birthday, anniversary)

 in the month of February please  call or email the church office by Feb 15

 On the last Sunday in the month we will prayerfully acknowledge these occasions.

 Call 807-623-8735 or email

Coldest Night of the Year Walk

in support of Grace Place Saturday February 22nd

See Lynda Wdowiak for details

Just a Friendly Reminder Calvary Lutheran Church is a scent free zone

Manse Renovation will be ongoing for a while

Can You Help ?

See Cris or Bernie for more information.

Souper Bowl Sunday

Sunday Feb.9th

After The Service   Fellowship Hall

Free Will Offering Towards Manse Renovations

Can you assist with desert or baking for Souper Bowl Sunday Your help would be greatly appreciated

L.A.M.P. Lutheran Association

             Of Missionaries and Pilots

Pastor/Pilot - Randy Heide

will lead worship and share stories

Christ Lutheran – 47 Walkover St.

               Feb 9th

10:30 am til 12:noon

We are in need of goodies for our Sunday fellowship time

: COOKIES, SQUARES, LOAVES, [homemade or store-bought].

 If you’d like to donate, please place items in church freezer marked “Sunday Coffee”.

Lutheran Committee Care Centre is suspending operation of the Street Reach program until a) a pastor is secured to assist with faith based street intervention and

         b) a larger number of  volunteers can be recruited.

Calvary is need of volunteers

to host Sunday Morning Coffee

there is a sign up sheet with general instructions and information on the door

to the Fellowship Hall

    See Gerianne for more details

*Calvary Lutheran Church is a SCENT FREE zone*